Thursday, September 3, 2009

First Impressions

Isn't it interesting how much value we, as Americans...or humans for that matter, place on first impressions. If I was to meet someone on the street and they were dirty, smelly, and had grungy clothes, I would go right out and think they were homeless. When, in reality they could be a businessman who just returned from a desert island and is not familiar with society and how it has changed since he has been gone (Castaway, anyone?). From interviews to meeting new friends to exploring new worlds we seem to always have this inherent drive to leave our mark. Humans land on the moon, we leave a flag. Antarctica, for example, the most barren wasteland on the planet and we have to stake a claim and try to build an outpost just so when someone looks at a map, they can look at the American flag there and see that "we must be a powerful nation, we own a chunk of ice." Honestly, I wish I was brave enough to botch a first impression and know that everything would be okay, but I seriously doubt that has ever happened. So now, sad to say, I must go get ready for school...because you never know when you will meet someone new and I better look good, even though I am going to sit for 4 1/2 hours.

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